Information and communication technology (ICT) are tools and platforms that we use for our communication and information needs. Some examples include radios, mobile phones, television broadcasting and the Internet. Sometimes ICT can be defined in the “old” and in a “new” way. The “old” method is defined
as one where information is sent in analog format such as a radio. A “new” method is one where information is sent in a digital format, such as wireless technology.

The main cause of violence against women lies in unequal power relations between men and women in almost all aspects of life. Acts of violence against women in the material world are replicated and are being committed in various ways within the virtual world.

There are at least two ways to see how ICT affect power relations:

ICT are able to transmit and spread standards through presentations of “culture” and social structures and relationships. Very often, the images, the role of the media, reinforces the “differences” between men and women by normalizing stereotypes of gender roles in real life. This dynamic is not clear nor simple, because culture is not homogeneous or static. The increased diversity of content producers on the internet also allows schedule representations that in complex ways does it affect relations poles.

Speed, distribution and relatively light use, especially the “new” information and communication technology reduces the distance and time between people. This could allow victims of violence to seek information and assistance, but can also endanger survivors if used without understanding its dimensions. ICT can compromise local strategies organizations through the issues of privacy, misinterpreting and misunderstanding. On the other hand, organizations are able to take advantage of ICT to connect with long-distance and initiate immediate action on urgent situations of violence against women. Exploring how the ICT involved, women’s movements can shape stronger connections with greater understanding of its potential and limitations.